Shaftesbury Refugee Group Code of Conduct


The governing document of the Charity is its Constitution. The purpose of our code of conduct is to achieve good governance by setting out the members' and beneficiaries expectations of the trustees in their governance role, in line with the Constitution.


We have adopted the 7 Nolan Principles as the basis of good governance:

  1. Selflessness: Our Trustees will act to only benefit the charity.

  2. Integrity: Our Trustees will not place themselves under any obligation that could influence them in their role as a trustee. 

  3. Objectivity: Our Trustees will make choices based on merit and treat people equally.

  4. Accountability: Our Trustees willingly make themselves accountable for their decisions and actions to beneficiaries, the membership and the public

  5. Openness: Our Trustees are as open as possible about the decisions and actions they take. 

  6. Honesty: Our Trustees will declare any private interests relating to their trusteeship and will resolve any conflicts in a way that protects the public benefit of our Charity. 

  7. Leadership: Our Trustees will promote and support these principles by leadership and example. 

We will  also take account of these  additional principles promoted for Directors of Charitable Companies 

  1. Our Trustees will act within their powers and in a lawful way involving the members where their interests are at stake.

  2. Our Trustees will promote the success of the organisation to achieve its purposes.

  3. Our Trustees will exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence to manage the charity’s resources and reduce risk from harm, and take guidance where necessary.

We will use these 10 principles as a touch stone at our meetings and in the course of our work. From time to time, and when a concern is raised,  we will review our activity against these principles and reflect on our findings so as to follow them as closely as we can.

With regard to principle 2: We will declare any interest that may interfere with our objectivity and selflessness at each meeting and inform the chair when asked to make a decision where our objectivity or selflessness may be put in doubt by our roles and responsibilities elsewher or by our relationships.

With regard to principle 7: We will always act with others in a way that is humble, helpful and courteous, recognising that others can be harmed by harsh words, thoughtless actions and callous behaviour that is not appropriate in a charity helping vulnerable people.

Who does the Code apply to?

The Trustees of Shaftesbury Refugee Group and any associate members and volunteers of the charity.

What if the Code of Conduct is not being adhered to?

Members should raise the matter directly to the Trustees via the Secretary or Chair.