щедрик, ‘Carol of the Bells’

On 29th April 2023 we joined together to watch the very moving , щедрик, ‘Carol of the Bells’.

Hosted at the Shaftesbury Arts Centre, Over 100 people saw this brilliant film.

The Arts Centre donated the venue, volunteers and a significant sum from the ticket receipts. A huge thanks to the Centre and Charlie the manager, who just makes things happen!.

We had the pleasure of being able to have Anastasiia Atamanchuck, the First Assistant Director and Hossein Mirzagholi, Musical Director present. It was the first time Hossein had seen the movie with his score.

The Ukrainian guests provided canapes as a thank you for the support they have received from the community of North Dorset.

‘It’s a wrap’ Anastasiia!

Keri Jones from This is Alfred reported on the event here

Anastasiia Atamanchuck and Hossein Mirzagholi, the film makers, answered questions at the end of the evening.

Kateryna helped out with translations and context for the questions.

A translation of the traditional Ukrainian carol, that is the title and theme of the movie, is sung here


Eurovision - United in Music


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