Maslenitsa 2024

Ukrainian guests celebrated Maslenitsa at Shaftesbury Town Hall and gave thanks to the community of North Dorset for the support and place of safety that they have received.

Keri from This is Alfred was present and interviewed a number of the leading participants. Victoriia spoke movingly about the experience of being displaced, and the impact on her family. She explained what the event meant,

‘We have lots still to share, we are very kind, open and educated people and we just need some help to protect us and to protect our homes and to stop this awful war’

Listen here from 4 min. 10 sec.

Maslenitsa was an opportunity to experience the skills and culture of Ukraine. We got to marvel again at the Cossack dancing of Demian and Avrora and we heard the exquisite close harmonies of traditional Ukrainian Folk musicians.

The Cossack branch of SPAS bring their skills to North Dorset.

Avrora in a flying attack.

Demian balances on one leg, on shards of broken bottles, weighed down by Avrora.

Oksana and Larysa sang traditional folk songs of love and longing, of spirit and spring.

Shaftesbury Town Hall made a fitting setting for these traditional folk songs.

The hall was full of people from the outset: tasting the food, trying out new drinks and learning new crafts.

There were beautiful stuffed toys and necklaces to buy, raising money for Ukrainian humanitarian charities.

A sum of over £500 was raised from craft and food sales.

People made candles, Motanka dolls, decorated eggs and bought hand made stuffed toys.

Decorating eggs using wax to block out and overlay dyes. This dotty egg design is called ‘Krapanka’.

Dots and symbolic symbols make the eggs very special.

Lots of candle making fun!

Making Motanka dolls, traditional guardian dolls for this time of year.

We had a chance to sample the traditional food of Maslenitsa.

There were blini , syrnyky, chocolate truffle like potato cakes, creamy layered chocolate cakes, honey cakes and so much more!

A very special honey cake with layers of cream, cake and honey, decorated with great care and love.

Maslenitsa 2024 was a lovely family occasion, with something to take home alongside our memories of community and joyful belonging.

Thank you to Shaftesbury Town Council for the use of the Hall and to Jamie Randall, one of our volunteers, for most of the photographs.


The Hammouds’ Kitchen has a new website


Flavours of Ukraine