Universal Credit
There is an overview of the benefits available to you as part of Homes for Ukraine here. з перекладом
New guidance for accessing Universal Credit for those fleeing conflict in Ukraine has now been brought together in English, Ukrainian and Russian here.
There are Job Centres located locally in Frome, Yeovil, Salisbury and Blandford.
An online application is recommended as the first point of action, which will be followed up by a meeting and support from Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Work Coaches. If Hosts can and wish to offer support with this process it is greatly appreciated. If that is difficult or not possible, the Work Coaches will be able to be arrange interpreters and other help to complete the process.
UC is a means tested benefit but note that Ukrainian property is counted as of nil value, therefore not affecting benefit. More information on claiming can be found here
National Insurance numbers
The Citizen’s Advice Bureau and DWP Job Centres say that NI number applications are an automatic output from applying for Universal Credit and we know of a number of cases when this has occurred. However, this is not consistent from Job Centre to Job Centre and it is best to apply beforehand at https://www.gov.uk/apply-national-insurance-number
You can do this as soon as the refugee arrives in the UK; it is most easily done by using a laptop/PC rather than a phone and you will need to have the individual, their international passport and a camera phone with you when you make the application, in order to upload photos of the individual holding their passport to the NI site. Once the application has been completed, the NI number is sent through within two to four weeks.
It is possible to start work without being in possession of an NI number, but it is a useful piece of UK ID to possess. It is also required when applying for free school meals via Dorset County Council's website.
Children 16-19 need to be registered too, for example through Child Benefit. Through this process they should gain their NI number later but we are wary about whether this is automatic. We advise applying for CB and an NI number in each child’s case. .
Help from Citizens Advice
Citizens Advice is giving dedicated help to claim Contact us about applying for Universal Credit - Citizens Advice and a dedicated Citizens Advice helpline for Ukrainian Citizens is: 0800 144 88 48
‘If anyone needs help with accessing the benefits system and would appreciate the expert support of Citizens Advice, Help and Kindness can provide a point of access to their services which means that we can register the enquiry, and then Citizens Advice will contact you to arrange an appointment. This may help save some time if their phone lines are busy. Do let Jon at Help and Kindness know if he can help jon.sloper@helpandkindness.co.uk’
If you're helping someone make an application this page of their advice is helpful : Helping Someone Claim
A recent experience
“ Most arriving guests will not be able to step straight into employment; either there will be a language barrier, or they will be wrung-out after their experience. So, they (i.e. we, the hosts) will need to tackle the Universal Credit application process. In our household this is a foreign land and I suspect we're not the only ones so I want to share with you the following, which I didn't know:
no matter how you twist and turn you will be channelled to creating an online account, https://www.gov.uk/apply-universal-credit. It's all in English and you will need to do this with your Ukrainian guest alongside if they are not fluent.
The Ukrainian guest must have opened a UK bank account before applying - the application will stall until they do.
From DWP accepting the application to being invited to attend the local Job Centre for an interview is expected to be less than one week.
From DWP accepting the application to any money being forthcoming will probably be 5 weeks: 4 because UC is issued a month in arrears, +1 because payments are made a week later. If this would lead to hardship there is a route for issuing emergency funds which (I think) is handled by the local Job Centre during the interview.”
Shaftesbury Refugee Group
We are not experts at accessing the UC service but will help where we can and we are keen to share stories of success like this one..