TLW Foundation to provide free performing art classes

Tiffany Longley-Wolff  of TLW Dance, Wincombe Estate in Shaftesbury, has helped to create a foundation that can help young people who have fled the conflicts in Ukraine, Syria and Afghanistan. The foundation helps students who might be underprivileged or require financial support to access performing arts. The foundation provides bursaries for both classes and uniforms.

The performing arts provide an opportunity for integration and expression.  For children who have fled conflict, and with little English, it is an accessible and  inclusive experience. Tiffany's experiences in Italy and elsewhere have shown her that language barriers are broken down where movement is the main means of instruction.  The Foundation can be contacted here

Tiffany recently gave an interview to This is Alfred radio podcast and you can hear more about the foundation and its work here (link)


National Trust


Financial impact on hosts