Get help to begin driving in the UK

There is funding available to help people become familiar with driving in the UK.

The support comes from Rural Dorset Wheels to Work (RDW2W).

The funding will pay a qualified driving instructor to give 4, 2 hour lessons to refugees who have a licence for the UK but want help to adjust to driving in different conditions, e.g. rural and on the left.

The, mostly female, driving instructors will use their own vehicle for the familiarisation training.

The guest must have a full Ukrainian licence, either automatic or manual.

The scheme is described in these documents in English and Ukrainian. Please read them carefully.

To enter the scheme

Contact Paul Stredwick by email on and

Include in the email the following information:

i. The name of the Host

ii. The Telephone number of the host

iii. The name of the Guest

iv. The telephone number of the Guest

v. An indication of which of the above should be contacted

vi. The type of Ukrainian driving licence held, ie Manual or Automatic

vii. The UKR driving licence number

viii. A request to be included in the scheme

b) Paul Stredwick or Allan Peters will make contact n to confirm if you can be included in the scheme.

c) If approved then you will be provided with a list of driving Instructors with whom you can make contact to make appointments.




Finding a home after hosting